Saturday, March 1, 2008

Budget Wedding Idea

Budget Wedding Idea

Wedding expenses sometimes summed up a lot and if you want to have a marriage that is going to be a little easy on the pocket, try these ideas budget marriage.

Flowers Flowers can help you save a lot of money. Go for cheap flowers. Flowers that cost a bomb in some seasons can be very cheap during other periods. Ask your florist to suggest these flowers. Alternatively, you can also have your marriage or during Christmas, Easter when the church is already decorated with flowers.

Decorations You do not need to make fancy decorations. Try decorating the place of your marriage with things like cereal bowls, wine glasses and confetti. Fill bowls and glasses with colored water and some floating candles or flowers in them. It will look elegant and beautiful. You can also use flowers that are damaged while transporting - just spread all petals room. This budget is a great idea of marriage.

Place Hiring a banquet hall or a hotel generally costs a lot of money. But you can do away with him and have the wedding at home or in a local park, or any other house that you can rent on the cheap. Local parks only charge a nominal rate and some parks and houses do not pay anything - just take a deposit which is refunded once the occupants to clean the place and it looks like that before marriage.

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